The generosity of our donors enables us to provide financial subsidies for our Native Hawaiian residents who would otherwise be unable to afford the fees for our services. As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, we encourage individuals and companies to give generously, knowing that their contributions are making a tremendous difference in the lives and well-being of our kūpuna.

DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE A LEGACY LIKE KING LUNALILO? Join us in supporting our efforts to care for the poor, destitute and infirm Hawaiian kūpuna. We are immensely grateful to receive $100,000 from the Kina'ole Foundation, a Native Hawaiian nonprofit organization dedicated to educating, advancing and promoting economic development for the people of Hawaiʻi through educational and business development activities and programs. The Foundation ensures the social and economic advancement of Native Hawaiians, all while protecting and preserving culture and heritage. “We are always striving to enrich the lives of kūpuna and meet the growing need for kūpuna care, resources and services,” said Sunshine Topping, Board of Trustees, Lunalilo Trust. “Gifts like these are critical to seeing our vision come to fruition for kūpuna and their families."
Monetary gifts may be donated online as well as via check or money order. Checks may be made payable to Lunalilo Home and mailed to 501 Kekāuluohi Street, Honolulu, HI 96825.
Thank you for your contribution to Lunalilo Home!